So Many Ways to Ease Stress!
The truth is, we all experience stress on some level. How we respond to our stressful experience can make a profound difference in our lives. By acknowledging, naming, accepting, and allowing that stress is a part of life, and that it often comes with difficult emotions, we can then take the next step in our health and well-being. We can actively respond in wise ways that help us move beyond a state of constant fight-flight distress to a place of greater balance and calm. From this balanced place, it is possible to navigate life's challenges better, be less reactive to stressful situations, choose our path, grow and flourish.
Everyone is different. You may be experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress, grieving a loss, taking care of elderly parents or young ones, experiencing grave financial hardship, or fighting on the front lines. You may be experiencing other large or small challenges in your relationships, finances, or health. Or you may be feeling pretty good about finding moments of calm in your life and simply want to explore new resources.
Be kind to yourself and start with where you are. See which of the wellness tools below resonates with you. Be patient. Sometimes you may feel better after a few minutes, and sometimes it may take some time. Celebrate the small successes. And share what you learn with someone who may also want to respond to stress with greater ease and feel more balanced and more like their best self.